Romantic Esha calls up FM Radio’s DJ Bingo to find out the identity of a male who had called during his program. While Bingo is unable to identify him, the male, Rahul Sharma, does call again, and a meeting is arranged. Esha does not show up, but instead decides to correspond with him via a post box numbered address without disclosing her name, to which Rahul agrees, arranges for a numbered postal address himself, and does not disclose his identity as well. Rahul has a friend, Akshaye, who is a womanizer, whose mother asks Rahul to check out a bride for her son. Rahul goes to check this young lady, Esha Malhotra, finds her suitable, and soon marriage preparations are underway. Rahul’s romance for the unknown girl will be shattered after he finds out that she is none other than Esha.